
PF filter system can be widely used sewage and wastewater reuse, desalination, electronics and other fields. It is character with high flow, long working life and good operation of complex liquid. It consists of the housing and the cartridge.

產(chǎn)品優(yōu)勢/Product Merits
- 1、UPVC材質(zhì)的過(guò)濾容器耐腐蝕性強;能適用于不銹鋼及碳鋼不能進(jìn)入的領(lǐng)域
- 2、單芯通量大,遠遠超過(guò)傳統濾芯
- 3、使用壽命長(cháng),一般為普通濾芯的3-4倍以上
- 4、濾芯封閉端上的方便把手,讓濾芯的更換變得輕松和快捷。
- 1、UPVC material has good corrosion resistant, so can suit for non-SS field.
- 2、The flow is more than other cartridges.
- 3、Long working life, more than 3 times than others.
- 4、Handle design make the cartridge replacement become easier.
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